

  • A photo of Marie Carlota Dao (center) with research students Brandy Moser (left) and Jason Hansen.
    - 致力于健康差异研究
    营养研究员Maria Carlota Dao说, an assistant professor at the 主要研究 生命科学学院 and 农业 and a New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES)... 阅读更多
  • 研究er Harish Vashisth stands with arms crossed in darkened hallway
    - 重新利用药物化合物可以减缓COVID的传播
    Krisztina Varga, associate Professor of 分子, cellular and Biomedical Sciences. 杰里米·加索夫斯基摄. 疫情似乎还远未结束,... 阅读更多
  • 五个人肩并肩站着,有些人拿着玻璃牌匾.
    - 创新的灵感
    联合国创新大会表彰了2020年和2021年的年度创新者. 阅读更多
  • 主要研究教授Jeffrey Halpern站在Kingsbury大厅外
    - 促进生物制造
    研究ers in 主要研究’s Surface Enhanced Electrochemical Diagnostic Sensors (SEEDS) Lab have received an EPSCoR grant from the National Science Foundation for close to $6 million to... 阅读更多
  • 两个男教授并排的大头照
    - 伤口愈合开拓者
    Two 化学工程 professors have received a National Institutes of 健康 “Trailblazer” award for a project that aims to improve chronic wound healing. 阅读更多
  • 确保更健康的国家
    - 确保更健康的国家
    研究ers at the 永利app新版本官网地址 will start genomic testing of positive cases of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 virus to help monitor for any variants of concern that may be found in... 阅读更多
  • 神经元在黑暗背景上被点亮的图像
    - 大脑监视器
    得到了国家卫生研究院的资助, 主要研究 researchers Edward Song and Arturo Andrade will conduct research on the neurotransmitter glutamate that will contribute to our... 阅读更多
  • 海马神经元初级纤毛
    - 映射记忆通道
    主要研究 researchers have received an Academic 研究 Enhancement Award (AREA) from the National Institutes of 健康 (NIH) to study tiny antenna-like projections on the surface of... 阅读更多
  • Harish Vashisth副教授
    - 作用中的反应
    New 主要研究 research has uncovered a novel way of studying protein interactions which may improve the efficacy of a class of drugs — called allosteric drugs — that treat diabetes,... 阅读更多
  • 秋季森林中研究塔的无人机图像
    - 卓越的引用
    Forty-one current and emeritus 主要研究 researchers are among the world's 100,被引用次数最多的, 根据一项新的研究. 阅读更多