

  • 埃莉诺·普里尔,17岁
  • 埃丽诺·普里尔在跑道上
    - 咆哮至终点
     17岁的埃莉诺·普里尔跑得很快. 非常快. The sophomore distance runner placed first among women at the New England 越野 Championships in Boston recently; she was named “... 阅读更多
  • 卡梅伦莱尔
    - 卡梅隆·莱尔13届获得NCAA最高荣誉
    卡梅隆·莱尔,13岁 这一切都是从一个口腔拭子开始的. The football team was running a Be The Match station in the 永利app新版本官网地址 student cafeteria to support the... 阅读更多
  • 全力支持田径运动员
    - 全力支持田径运动员
    Erin Phillips '13 was thrilled when she learned that she'd been named the first female recipient of the John T. 凯瑟琳·E. 戈格尔捐赠奖学金支持主要研究男子... 阅读更多