Assistant Hall Directors

2022-23 AHDs

AHD职位是我们的住宅生活系统的重要组成部分, 在四个大厅中的三个, Williamson, and Upper Quad. 助理署长协助助理署长监督助理署长, advising the hall council, staff training, conduct, student contact, and administrative responsibilities. This is a great opportunity for students who are looking into the Student Affairs field or just looking to increase their leadership skills. 查看下面的部分了解更多信息!


We Hope You'll Apply to be an AHD!


AHD Qualifications

Minimum Qualifications 

  • AHDs are required to be a full-time, matriculated, UNH本科生(每学期至少修12学分).  这些信息是通过注册办公室核实的. 

  • ahd的累积平均成绩必须不低于2分.5. 这些信息是通过注册办公室核实的. 

  • AHDs are required to have completed at least two semesters of college (either at UNH or another college) by the time they are in the position.  这些信息是通过注册办公室核实的. 

  • ahd被要求每周在该职位上工作20个小时. 这些信息是通过他们在就业时核实的. 

  • AHD discipline records are also checked through the Office of Community Standards at the time of application.  有前科并不一定会使你失去资格, but the nature of the violation could. 

  • Please note, ideally, candidates for the AHD position would be entering their senior year at UNH and will have completed one or two years in the RA position, but anyone is encouraged to apply. Prior experience in Residential Life will be considered in the application process.  这个职位不招收研究生. 

  • 理想的AHD候选人将致力于这项使命, vision, 和价值观的住宅生活部门,并有一个支持, open-minded, 对员工和学生发展的监督有热情的看法.  Additionally, the AHD position requires students to learn new skills and complete many administrative tasks so organization and growth mindset are also preferred.   




This position is 20 hours/week, starting in mid-August (date yet to be determined) to a few days after May closing.


  1. Fulfill your 20 hours per week requirement.  优先安排任务,平衡时间. 
  2. 每周与你的主管单独会面,讨论任何担心的问题, RA supervision, Hall Council, and other issues.
  3. Attend centralized AHD training sessions.
  4. 和你的RHD谈谈你希望担任什么角色, 你如何在adhd的位置上挑战自己, 以及如何创造你真正想要的体验.
  5. Complete all tasks in a timely manner.  满足期望并在高水平上表现.
  6. 让你的助教和学生都能看到你. 
  7. 记住,学业是第一要务.  Maintain your academic success!
  8. 始终牢记四个教育重点领域(包容和公平), health and wellness, academics and career, 以及参与和领导能力)在与学生一起工作和编程时.
  9. Maintain a positive attitude. 
  10. Be supportive of the staff.
  11. Maintain confidentiality where necessary.
  12. Be honest.  If you have an issue or concern with something that has been done or said in your hall or in the department, 请与你的主管或中心工作人员讨论! 
  13. 和你的RHD谈谈你作为主管对他们的期望.
  14. Have FUN and maintain a sense of humor!

RA Supervision

  1. Supervise four RAs in daily tasks as well as their overall development in the RA position. 
  2. 让员工对自己的行为负责并达到期望.  记录RAs不符合预期的情况.
  3. 全年评估正式和非正式的评级机构. 
  4. Schedule bi-weekly or weekly (depending on what you and your supervisor decide) meetings with RAs.
  5. 让您的RHD了解您的ra每天/每周发生的事情.
  6. Attend a portion of the social and educational programs/activities on the floors of RAs you supervise in order to observe them in action and be supportive of their efforts.

Staff Enrichments

  1. Assist with staff training.
  2. Help to facilitate team building staff enrichment for staff meeting and during staff training. 
  3. Present and facilitate staff enrichments around educational topic areas a few times a semester.

Individual contact with residents

  1. 协助助理达到本领域的期望.
  2. 熟悉你所管理的宿舍楼层的学生, particularly those that have been identified as high risk (struggling to make the transition to college, roommate conflicts, struggling academically etc.)
  3. 每周至少在你管理的RAs楼层里走一次.


  1. 协助助理达到本领域的期望.
  2. 与RA员工一起评估大厅和楼层的需求.
  3. 监督/协助RA员工计划每周的社交活动.
  4. 鼓励您的RAs进行高质量的被动编程工作.g.,公告栏,获取时事通讯的信息)
  5. 评估您的RAs的编程工作和计划.  Hold RAs accountable for programming expectations that have been set by the Hall Director. 
  6. 协助大厅活动的实施.
  7. Be present at hall programs.

Hall Council

  1. Meet with Hall Council officers weekly.
  2. Attend all Hall Council Meetings.
  3. 协助策划学生会的活动.  Attend all events.
  4. Assess training needs of the Hall Council.  Establish training if needed.
  5. 为会馆理事会提供领导技能.
  6. Oversee the budget of Hall Council.
  7. 鼓励及激励堂务会每月至少策划一项活动.
  8. 准备好与您的RHD一对一讨论Hall Council.
  9. Make sure that Hall Council adheres to all policies and procedures set forth by the MUB and by Residential Life.
  10. Oversee Hall Council officers attend all mandatory MUB meetings as it pertains to the recognition of hall council.


  1. 协助助理处理各种情况并记录事件.
  2. 面对你意识到的政策违规.
  3. 根据总监的指派,裁决轻微的行为情况.
  4. AHDs may be expected to devote up to 5 hours a week toward conduct as needed.


  1. Assist with check in and check out of residents as well as regular closings and openings throughout the year.  做好早到晚留的准备.
  2. 协助RA员工将所有有关设施的信息输入在线系统
  3. Assist RHD with maintaining records of facilities concerns and contact with HF&O.
  4. Assist with the Room Selection Process.
  5. Assist the promotion, recruitment, and supervision of Wildcat Welcoming Crew.
  6. 协助通讯的发展.  Provide information to be included in twice a month, particularly Hall Council information.
  7. Schedule and update RA Duty.
  8. Participate in online training
  9. 根据《永利app新版本官网地址》的要求,立即向警方报告所有犯罪行为.

Team Membership

  1. 以道德和专业的方式行事.
  2. Respond effectively to feedback.
  3. Attending all AHD Trainings are mandatory. 
  4. 表现出对团队处理的积极承诺.
  5. 在小组中给同伴提供有意义的反馈.
  6. 在适当的时候为团队成员提供支持.

Equal Opportunity (make this an expandable section)

The University of New Hampshire is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action institution. The university seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, staff and students. 这所大学禁止种族歧视, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or marital status. 鼓励所有代表性不足群体的成员申请.

Students with Disabilities Accommodations (make this an expandable section)

Residential Life values the contributions that each member of our diverse community has to offer, holding a firm commitment regarding the creation of an environment where students with a disability can become successful Resident Assistants, 同时能够充分参与永利app新版本官网地址. 居住生活是一个机会均等/平权行动的雇主. Reasonable accommodation can be made to enable people with disabilities to perform the above described essential responsibilities of the position.  Please contact Katie Bartholomew, Assistant Director of Residential Life for more information ( 合同期内带家具的公寓

Meal plan when dining halls are open

Stipend of $3,500 with no University benefits, to be paid throughout the course of the year

The AHDs gain valuable leadership and supervision skills that would be a great asset for heading out into the job market or continuing on to graduate school.

Equal Opportunity

The University of New Hampshire is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action institution. The university seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, staff and students. 这所大学禁止种族歧视, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or marital status. 鼓励所有代表性不足群体的成员申请.

Students with Disabilities Accommodations

Residential Life values the contributions that each member of our diverse community has to offer, holding a firm commitment regarding the creation of an environment where students with a disability can become successful Resident Assistants, 同时能够充分参与永利app新版本官网地址. 居住生活是一个机会均等/平权行动的雇主. Reasonable accommodation can be made to enable people with disabilities to perform the above described essential responsibilities of the position.  Please contact Katie Bartholomew, Assistant Director of Residential Life for more information (

Application Process

The Application Process 

  • Step One: Candidates will complete the AHD application which has 3 components, the application, recommendation, and initial interview.  

  • Due December 4, 2022 at 11:59pm. 

  • Only completed applications and those meeting the minimum qualifications will be reviewed and considered.  A completed application means that all application questions are answered fully, and a resume has been submitted.   

  • Due December 6, 2022 at 11:59pm. 

  • Candidates are responsible for giving their recommender the link to the recommendation form and giving their recommender the correct due dates.   

  • The recommendation form should be filled out by an RHD or Apartment Manager.  

Initial Interview: 

  • AHD申请者可以通过电子邮件联系Danielle Miller to schedule an initial interview that will take place November 7, 2022 – December 6, 2022.   

  • Initial interviews will be about 30 minutes with additional time for questions and is conducted by one of the RHDs on the selection panel. 

  • 面试的重点是应聘者对该职位的兴趣, 他们为行政和监督工作带来的技能, 他们如何预测关系和工作量的变化, 以及他们在领导和其他工作能力方面的经验. 

  • 第二步:将对申请进行审查,以确定最终入围者.  Candidates will be notified if they are selected to participate in the interview phase by December 19, 2022. 

  • Step Three: Finalists will participate in three interviews with a Core member and several RHDs.  会议将于1月18日和19日举行, 2023年,所以候选人可能需要提前回到校园.  More information about the interview structure will be sent to candidates during step two.  

  • 第四步:候选人将被告知他们在这个过程中的状态.  他们将收到“雇用”、“替代”或“不雇用”的决定. 

AHD Candidate Timeline


November 7, 2022 


TBD November 

Information Session  

December 4, 2022 at 11:59pm 

Application deadline 

December 6, 2022 

Recommendation form deadline 

December 6, 2022 

Initial interview deadline 

By December 16, 2022 

Selection panel will review applications, recommendations, 还有面试笔记,为面试做准备 

By December 19, 2022 

Finalist cut meeting and AHD notification of application status (contingent on numbers of course) 

January 18 and 19, 2023 

Finalist Interviews 

January 23, 2023

AHD Selection during Tall Hall Meting 

January 23, 2023 

AHD candidates notified of hiring status 



Compensation and Benefits

AHDs receive:

  • 合同期内带家具的公寓
  • Meal plan when dining halls are open
  • Stipend of $3,500 with no University benefits, to be paid throughout the course of the year

AHDs gain valuable leadership and supervision skills that would be a great asset for heading out into the job market or continuing on to graduate school.

查看2023- 2024年AHD合同: 

AHD Contract 2023-2024.pdf