警察服务 & 外展

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联合国警察部门提供许多超出标准警察巡逻职能的服务.  请浏览以下连结,了解更多有关本署为社会提供的服务.  如果您对我们的服务有任何疑问,请致电(603)862-1427与我们联系.   

The Department's outreach coordinator is Captain Frank Weeks; you may contact him 在这里.  


主要研究警察局的警官们提交了各种各样的报告. 如果你是报告的主题,你有权获得该报告的副本. We only accept report requests in writing; the 主要研究 警察 Department’s Request for Incident Report form is our preferred method to request a report. 然而, 你可以用信件的形式提交申请,只要信中至少有你的名字, 出生日期, 电话号码, type of report (i.e. 逮捕、事件或意外)、发生日期和发送文件的地址.

Understand that the report will take at least 10 days to be completed exact length of time may vary.

如果你是一个案件的被告,你要求一份逮捕报告,这些信息被认为是发现. You will only be provided with discovery once.

主要研究警察局保留对举报收取费用的权利. Currently, we charge a fee of $10 for an accident report.

警察和安全人员将为任何人提供往返校园地点的护送. 你的 第一个 call however should be to 主要研究 Transportation 服务 at (603) 862-2328. 校园班车在校园内运行,并在夜间运行. In the event that the shuttle is not operating, 保安人员将步行护送学生出入校园. The number to get a walking escort is (603) 862-1427

主要研究警察局将为任何主要研究社区成员提供指纹采集服务, 免费. 我们可以为那些找工作或实习的人提供指纹识别服务. 个人必须出示有效的政府签发的带照片的身份证件(驾驶执照), 护照, US Military ID card, 等.). 个人的雇主应提供指纹卡. The 主要研究 警察 Department will not forward the cards onto the State for background purposes; that is the responsibility of you or your employer.

Please contact the 主要研究 警察 Department during normal business hours (Monday through Friday; 8:00am-4:30pm) to schedule fingerprinting.

Some background packets require notarization. The University employs several notaries 谁愿意为学生和大学社区其他成员免费公证文件.

主要研究警察局负责保管校园内发现的财物. 然而,每个大学院系对发现财产都有自己的政策. 因此,我们不是发现财产的独家持有者. 一般来说,发现高价值的财产会立即报告给我们部门. 通常被认为是低价值的财产(如钥匙)可能留在部门自己的遗失物中 & 发现.

The 主要研究 警察 Department maintains a list of lost items. 如果你丢失了物品,你可以联系主要研究警察局,电话是(603)862-1427. 然而, again we are not the exclusive custodians of 发现 property; it would be good practice to check with all university departments that might have located your item.

如果手机丢失,联合国警察部将接收手机丢失或被盗的报告作为保险文件 within our jurisdiction.

According to university policy 主要研究.3.J .2 weapons are not allowed on campus. 因此, the 主要研究 警察 Department provides a safe and secure place, within our station, to secure students' firearms and ammunition.

学生可以携带枪支到派出所,派出所将派一名警官取回或释放枪支.  The firearm can only be released to the owner, 谁必须凭国家颁发的身份证或大学身份证明.

We require your firearm to be unloaded and in a safe condition prior to being stored; officers will not clear the firearm for you. We suggest that your firearm be stored in a bag or case.

Hunting is allowed on select pieces of university property. 请点击 在这里 to learn more about hunting on 主要研究 property.

The University 警察 Department 不处理 parking at the University.

主要研究 停车 服务 处理 所有 parking issues at the University. The University 警察 has the ability to issues tickets, 然而,所有的上诉和支付这些罚单必须提交给停车服务. 警察 have the ability to remove "boots" from vehicles.

请注意,如果您是有预留停车位的居民,并且那里有另一辆车, when 停车 服务 is off duty, 大学警察会来把车移走,让你把车停在预留的车位上.

Dorm and Apartment 锁定出局

主要研究宿舍或校内公寓的锁门事宜,请致电603-862-2120. During normal business hours, these requests are handled by 主要研究住房. 在正常营业时间后,主要服务将由 主要研究 Campus Service Officers. 这两个要求是:1)您在您的房间等待,2)您可以提供某种形式的身份证件. ID can be shown once your door is unlocked.

请注意, 警察和校园服务人员不会为你自己以外的房间提供钥匙服务, nor will they provide access to a dorm for non-residents. This is also the case for 休息室 which are locked.

IF 你把东西留在房间里,当你回来的时候,门是锁着的, call (603) 862-1427, 校园服务人员会让你进入房间,有足够的时间取回你的东西. 除非你有那房间的钥匙,否则你不能呆在房间里. 如果你把东西留在了别人的房间里,只有在特殊情况下才能让你进去.

访问卡 only allow you to stay in a room after hours. 它不能让你进入锁着的建筑物或房间.


Office 锁定出局

万一你把钥匙锁在办公室里,你的 第一个 option should be someone else in your department. In the event that t在这里 is no one else available to help, 你可以打(603)862-1427叫人来帮你开门. The two requirements are 1) that you wait by your office, and 2) that you can provide some form of ID. ID can be shown once your door is unlocked.

请注意 警察和校园服务人员都不允许进入你自己以外的办公室.


Motor Vehicle 锁定出局


  1. It is your vehicle.
  2. 你签署了一份弃权书,免除了大学警察局对你的车辆造成的任何损害的责任.
  3. You wait by the vehicle.
