Expert Comment: Princess Kate’s Questionable Photo and Health Rumors Fracture Public Trust in British Monarchy


DURHAM, N.H.—As Princess Catherine continues to recover from a mysterious stomach surgery, a badly edited photo of the future queen released on Mother’s Day has the public questioning any news, or lack of, 来自皇宫. 随着猜测和流言四起, 尼可莱塔Gullace, associate professor of history at the University of New Hampshire and an expert on the royal family, is available to comment if these latest issues are just a bump in the road for the royal family or if there is reason for Britons to question their confidence in the palace and the future of the monarchy.


“The scrutiny around the poorly edited photo by major news services around the world, 现在公众, shines a light on how absolutely essential this “commoner” has become to the fate of the monarchy,古雷斯说。. “With King Charles undergoing cancer treatment and Princess Catherine recovering from surgery, 威廉王子似乎独自掌管着王室, without the experience of his father or the beauty and approachable demeanor of his wife, 看起来事情开始摇摇欲坠了. The fact that Britons are so anxious about what’s happened to Kate also shows the degree to which an unstable monarchy and lack of public trust can precipitate an unstable public.”

Gullace, 谁是20世纪和现代英国历史方面的专家, says the monarchy is already under a magnifying glass after the announcement of King Charles III unidentified cancer diagnosis. 缺乏永利app新版本官网地址他的治疗和状况的细节, 还有凯特的手术和健康问题, 社交媒体上是否出现了谣言和阴谋论, 在新闻媒体和公开谈话中.

“The royal family has had their share of issues but what makes this one different is that Princess Catherine is one of the most well-loved royals,古雷斯说。. “She is also active on social media which makes her more relatable, 从某种意义上说,是可以接近的, 给全世界更广泛的受众. Releasing a badly edited photo shatters the belief that she is honestly sharing bits of her world and could raise doubt around anything released from the royal family.”