

Flooding at the 斯特劳贝里班克博物馆 property from a January 2024 storm was among the worst seen thus far. (图片由草莓银行博物馆提供)

Rising sea levels and more frequent flooding have combined to become an increasingly alarming challenge for the 斯特劳贝里班克博物馆 在朴茨茅斯, where basements on this historic property are now routinely threatened by groundwater intrusion during events like King Tides and storm surges.

主要研究 researchers are playing a key role in helping Strawbery Banke formulate a plan to combat those challenges, having placed sensors in several basements and the nearby Piscataqua River that provide critical data to decision-makers at the museum and the city of Portsmouth.

他在莫尔斯大厅的桌子上用鼠标和键盘敲了几下, 迈克尔Routhier, 主要研究的研究员 地球系统研究中心, can see virtually real-time data on water levels in some of the basements at Strawbery Banke, 测量盐度水平和温度, 也.

Being able to monitor that information essentially on-demand provides a fuller picture of what is happening now and an opportunity to better predict what might need to take place in the future to preserve the iconic structures. 


“We’re looking to see how much flooding is occurring in these basements and how that flooding is affecting the overall fabric of the buildings. 这可能包括从水进来的基础的实际恶化, 还有潮湿、腐烂的木头和生锈的紧固件,Routhier说. “Knowing what these measurements are allows the decision-makers to have a better sense of how to mitigate or adapt to what has been happening and what’s coming down the road.”

主要研究帮助Strawbery bank应对这些挑战的努力可以追溯到2012年, Routhier说, when water sensors were initially placed in a few basements and wells were drilled in the green space in front of the museum’s visitor center.

但这些传感器并没有传输无线信息, meaning researchers had to go back every couple of weeks to pull the sensors out of the wells and plug them into a laptop to receive and review the data.

Advancements in technology have since made it possible to place sensors with cell phones attached that can push data directly to the cloud, and Routhier and his team have built an interface where it is possible to watch water levels go up and down on a feed that receives data every five minutes.

这些较新的传感器被放置在该物业的两栋建筑中——Shapley, Pridham House和Jones House——摄于2023年初, 另一个是在2023年感恩节前后在附近的皮斯卡塔夸河添加的.

“We suspected back in 2012 when we put the first sensors in that flooding was related to the tidal patterns in the river, 但现在我们装上了新的传感器, we’re able to see the relationship between the tidal patterns in the river and what is happening in the basements, 生活,Routhier说. “And what we’re able to tell is that there is approximately a half-hour delay between when we hit high tide in the river and when the water pressure pushes the water table up into the basement of the closest house.”

“Knowing what these measurements are allows the decision-makers to have a better sense of how to mitigate or adapt to what has been happening and what’s coming down the road.”

这些经验非常重要, 就像罗德尼·罗兰现在所做的那样, 斯特劳贝里银行的设施主管, 看看附近的皮斯卡塔夸河何时涨水, 迅速提醒他,在接下来的30分钟左右,他们可能会看到地下室淹水.

What has become readily apparent is that incidents of groundwater inundation are happening more frequently and the flooding is becoming more severe. A recent round of rain in January produced the highest numbers Routhier has seen recorded thus far, 罗兰说,他从来没有见过这么严重的洪水.

“现在我们在那里安装这些传感器是很好的时机, because they are providing evidence as to what’s happening currently and what could happen in the long run – the inundation numbers are getting bigger and more frequent,Routhier说. 朴茨茅斯市对正在发生的事情非常感兴趣, 太, because what’s happening at Strawberry Banke has an impact on the future of the city 也.”

如何管理这种影响是未来最大的挑战, 收集到的大部分数据将有助于提供信息. The Penhallow House at Strawberry Banke recently had to be raised more than 10 feet off the ground so a new foundation with advanced drainage could be built – a last resort for a property focused on historical preservation – and it’s possible that similar updates will be needed to other buildings on the property.

There is also talk of building a retention pond in green space on the property to help pull some of the groundwater away from the houses.

考虑到这些解决方案, Routhier说 he’s excited that 主要研究 can be involved in a project with such significant impact that could potentially shape the future of the surrounding city.

“从多个角度来看,我认为这很棒,”Routhier说. “From the community engagement perspective because of Strawberry Bank’s link to our coastal cultural heritage, 从科学的角度来看, because of how rising sea levels and increased frequency of storms is not just a local issue but a regional to global issue 也, and from a policy perspective because of how we can use cutting edge technologies to better inform decisions that will help our communities survive and thrive.”