2019; plaster, ink, cement

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Plaster sculpture of a head lying on its side

“Pox是在2019年秋天完成的,就在COVID - 19被引入日常词汇的几个月前. What had started as an introspective reflection on my own struggles with mental illness has come to be expressive of a collective experience; an inward gaze on personal pain and struggle turned outward in empathetic witness to collective pain and struggle.

“Sir Christopher Ricks, in speaking of the lyrics of Bob Dylan, 他说,“艺术让我们能够同情地接触到不属于我们自己的信仰体系。.“在更亲密的层面上,它可以让我们对不属于自己的经历产生共鸣。. 如果我们幸运的话,它可以让我们对自己的经历产生共鸣. 它可以向我们自己揭示我们自己,反过来又能在别人身上看到我们自己.”

Benjamin Cariens, associate professor of art