博士生大卫·摩尔一直在监测几种本地物种的汁液流动, 冬季休眠的落叶硬木.

博士生大卫·摩尔一直在监测几种本地物种的汁液流动, 冬季休眠的落叶硬木.

-它们是扩散多孔的. Ring-porous trees form new vessels (cells that transport water in the xylem) before their leaves come out, 扩散孔树在叶子长出来后形成新的血管. This means that diffuse-porous trees need to use vessels from previous years' growth to transport water to the leaves in the early spring. 如果前一年有干旱,容器里有气泡, 水运不可能发生. 分布树, 因此, may have mechanisms to repair embolisms 和 to refill vessels with water (or sap) during the dormant period. Ring-porous trees may not need to repair embolisms since they have br和 new vessels by the time the leaves have flushed. 分布树 like maples 和 birches refill embolized vessels during the dormant season, 正是这个过程使制糖者能够从它们身上收获汁液.

枫树和桦树在冬季的液流是由于不同的机制. 在枫树, 冻结和解冻是驱动SAP流动的因素, 在桦树中, root pressure 和 starch-to-sugar hydrolysis (which happens largely after maple sugaring season) is what drives sap flow. 

是的! 唯一的问题是生产规模可能不同. 如果你正在砍伐成千上万棵枫树,但只有一百棵桦树, you might not be able to use the same equipment for both because the scale is so different. 

去掉山毛榉值得吗, 椴木, 如果你能从你的糖丛中提炼出糖浆的话? 这样做的经济收益或损失是什么?
我们还不确定. Non-maple syrup sells for substantially higher prices than maple syrup does, so it might be worth it. There is also the capital expense of setting up your sugarbush for an entirely new species. 

从长远来看,敲树会对树木造成伤害吗, 或者使它们更容易受到病原体的攻击, 害虫, 甚至是气候变化这样的长期问题?
敲打树木确实会伤到树木,并允许病原体进入边材. 健康y mature maples that meet tapping guidelines are vigorous enough that this wounding is not detrimental. 事实上, a study from UVM found that trees generally put on more than enough girth growth each year to make up for the tissue lost to the tap hole wound.

如果加热循环后液流增加, could removing other trees near the sap trees allow more heating 和 better flow after sunset?
当你有太阳辐射时, 它确实增加了热量,你可以得到更大的温度梯度. 即使气温还没到冰点以上,但阳光炙烤, 您仍然可以获得有利于SAP流的解冻. 这是减少糖分摄入的好处之一.

当针叶树从糖丛周围移开以允许光线时, 这也赶走了啃食SAP线的松鼠. 和我的甜灌木, I'm trying to keep it as cold as possible because I want to keep the season going longer. Usually cold is not the issue; it gets too hot too quickly. 但是变薄有很多好处. 

如果你用的是不同的树,比如梧桐树或桦树,它们的树龄是多少? 使用年轻树和老树有什么不同的好处吗? 
在极北纬地区,人们采伐的桦树要小得多. 他们没有很多树,桦树是一种寿命很短的物种. 真正的问题是,当你轻敲一棵树时,你会在它身上造成一个小伤口. 为了糖的可持续性, 这棵树需要在生长季节长出那么多. 如果你遵循枫树采摘指南,你正在采摘健康的成熟树木, 那你就很容易满足了. 桦树的伤口反应比枫树稍差. They are a little worse at compartmentalize their wounds so you may want to be a little bit more conservative with birch. 

Is there a minimum number of trees needed to produce enough sap 和 syrup for maintaining a particular operation? 
In a good year for me, out of 250 taps, a good year for me was producing five gallons of birch syrup. I would collect 100 to 150 gallons of sap a day 和 you need the equipment to process that, 但最后得到的糖浆却少了很多. The good news is that birch syrup sells for at least four to five times more than maple syrup. 你肯定能从中获利. You are going to make a lot less syrup with birch trees because the season is shorter—two to three weeks instead of six to eight weeks—和 the sap is more dilute. But the tap yield per day is about the same as maple syrup so you need to stay on top of it. 

对于已经在制作枫糖浆的人来说, they know their profit margins 和 how much they are making on average on an annual basis. If you use the data about sap yield—the amount of sap you get during the season—和 factor how much more birch sap you'll need, 你可以计算出你需要多少个水龙头来生产你想要的桦树糖浆. 

特种糖浆的市场机会是什么? 这些不同的品种有需求吗? 
现在人们对特色糖浆的认识提高了. 二十年前, 新英格兰没有桦树糖浆生产商, 现在大约有6个. Depending on your location 和 public awareness, it can be very easy to sell out quickly. 现在在这个州,制作这种糖浆的人不多. 许多人不想成为第一个加入的人. 在新罕布什尔州,山毛榉树的数量是枫树的两倍. 这些糖浆有很大的潜力. 生产桦树糖浆的人需要找到当地的市场. Bartenders are interested in using them for mixed drinks 和 chefs in local, high-end restaurants. 有创意的人可以根据口味和味道来推销糖浆.

特制糖浆的味道是否各不相同? 你能描述一下它们有什么不同吗?
桦树糖浆的味道取决于加工过程. 味道从烟熏味到烧焦味都有,尝起来很甜, 稍微轻一点, 有点覆盆子的味道. In general, I would say molasses 和 maybe just a hint of miso is how I would describe it. 山毛榉很像枫树. 核桃很像枫木,但可能更光滑,更有坚果味. Sycamore非常不同. 它尝起来就像蜂蜜或奶油糖. 

我喝过像糖蜜一样的桦树糖浆. I’ve had birch sap that was concentrated to about 6 to 8 percent sugar content that was not boiled 和 had that wintergreen taste to it, 这真是太棒了. That has a lot of potential, especially if you let it sweeten up a little bit, but not boil it. 现在是一片空白. 

比起枫糖浆,我更喜欢桦树糖浆. 味道更浓,不那么甜. 这需要一些时间来适应,但我发现它真的很愉快. 

目前还没有任何永利app新版本官网地址生产成本的工作. The sap-to-syrup ratio for non-maple syrups is generally much higher than it is for maple syrup. 桦树糖浆的售价通常至少是枫糖浆的4到5倍.

What are the marketing opportunities for value-added products made of syrup like c和y 和 soda? 
枫糖浆主要是蔗糖,也就是食糖. 桦树很不一样. 它主要是果糖和葡萄糖,它们是单糖而不是双糖. 我不知道桦树糖浆能不能做成糖果. 当然,桦树糖浆在饮料行业很受欢迎.

The other value-added product that is popular in Eastern Europe 和 Sc和inavia is making probiotics with the sap. I haven’t seen probiotics made from sap in America 和 this is a potential niche market that could be explored. We also will be doing blind taste tests to get an idea of people’s taste preferences for these different syrups 和 their willingness to pay. 

你如何找到愿意购买这些不同糖浆的客户? 这些特色糖浆的市场是什么, 如果它很小, 如何为不同的糖浆建立市场?
保健食品店, 特色杂货店, 专门供应当地食物的餐馆可能会对此感兴趣. Giving out samples at grocery stores 和 farmers markets is a great way to get the word out, 但这需要相当多的工作. 媒体最近在引起人们的兴趣方面起了很大的作用. 拥有一个好的、可访问的、布局良好的网站是非常有用的.

你也会对这些味道进行感官分析吗? 这些糖浆在烘焙或烹饪中可能有不同的用途, 风味分析在不同的应用中有什么潜在的变化? 
I'm hoping that we can team up with a couple local chefs who would do a much better job answering that. 

If you do a quick internet search for “birch syrup” you will find many producers that you can buy birch syrup from online. 核桃糖浆可以购买 简易美食糖浆  和 Tonoloway农场. 新叶树糖浆 销售山毛榉糖浆.

欲了解更多信息,请联系David Moore davidblakneymoore@gmail.com.