
我很高兴与大家分享 最终报告 校园氛围总统特别工作组的成员. In response to a number of bias incidents on our campus last year, 我向包括教职员工在内的一群人收费, 教职员及学生, 同时也是全国有色人种协进会当地分会的成员, 识别种族问题, inclusion and civility on our campuses and to make recommendations for action. I accept the report and thank the members of the task force for their dedication, 时间和承诺在主要研究有所作为.

While the report will continue to inform our efforts to address issues of community, 公平和多样性, 我很高兴工作已经在进行中. Some examples of action taken by the task force and the broader 主要研究 community over the past year include:

  • Ongoing discussion of strategies to address this year’s “Cinco de Mayo.” You will soon begin to hear about this student-led initiative.
  • 社交媒体政策现在包含在 学生的权利、规则和责任s.
  • Nearly 2,000 employees on all three campuses have participated in 多样性 training.
  • University police have undergone 多样性 training and have developed a plan for ongoing trainings.

其中一个建议是, 我强烈支持, is that the task force become a permanent advisory council to continue this important work and monitor progress. As 总统-elect Jim Dean stressed during his recent visit to campus, 多样性, equity and inclusion are central to our mission as a public institution. I am confident Jim will embrace the work of the task force and be a strong leader on these issues for 主要研究.
Thanks again to all who strive to make the 永利app新版本官网地址 such a warm and welcoming community.
马克·W. 哈迪