




的 可持续发展研究所 as a Resource

UNH is proud to be a national leader in sustainability in higher education, and sustainability is one of UNH’s key academic performance metrics. 可持续发展研究所在这里作为一个资源,支持联合国大学的教师创造机会,将可持续发展概念融入他们的课程.

students in class presentation

如你所愿准备你的课程, 要知道,联合国大学可持续发展研究所的团队随时准备为您提供编程方面的帮助, 事件, tools and other opportunities that can be woven 进入你的课程 in a variety of ways.

     How can we work together to prepare students for changemaking careers?



    • 支持与协助 for all faculty interested in integrating concepts of changemaking into their pedagogy  
    • 培训和机会 for students to apply the 知识 gained from coursework to channel awareness, 能力和激情在现实环境中与致力于积极影响的组织 
    • Hands-on learning experiences and programs for all UNH students, no matter their discipline 
    • Student, faculty, staff, and community engagement in social innovation, an exciting emerging field that harnesses the tools of business and public policy 


    Integrate 可持续性 into Your Teaching

    可持续性 at 主要研究在线 Module Digital Badge

    UNH is ranked one of the most sustainable schools in the country! 把 可持续性 at UNH online module  进入你的课程. 教师, 完成该模块的员工和学生将从Credly获得一个微型证书数字徽章,以添加到数字专业档案中, 比如LinkedIn.

    您的学生是否在这个在线模块中测试他们的知识,作为课程作业或亲自参观的预测试. 的 "可持续性 at UNH" online module is a series of short videos followed by multiple choice questions, 这是一个很好的方式来了解为什么永利app新版本官网地址是这个国家最可持续发展的大学之一,以及如何参与校园活动!

    Talk 永利app新版本官网地址 Teaching Workshop

    UNH’s Centre for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching & 学习(CEITL) partnered with the UNH 可持续发展研究所 to host a workshop, “可持续发展融入课程”教学工作坊 designed to help faculty consider what sustainability means to their disciplines, 分享最佳实践和资源,帮助彼此设计新的机会来整合可持续发展——无论是在一堂课上, 新模块, 或者贯穿整个课程.
    View the video workshop Archive

    Submit Your Course to Count as an Approved Elective in the 可持续发展双专业 (SDM)

    Fill out the SDM Elective Petition form

    Additional 专业发展 Offerings

    We have many offerings throughout the year to develop your skills, 知识, 并通过我们的专业发展培训和项目实践可持续发展.

    Bring your students to the Changemaker Speaker Series

    “变革者合作”(换零钱机协作,可持续发展研究所与Peter T. 保罗商业与经济学院和卡西公共政策学院)的变革者演讲系列每学期两次将 创新和鼓舞人心的领导者带到校园.  

    Want help identifying relevant readings, creating post-event discussions and/or assignments for your classes?   电子邮件 菲奥娜•威尔逊 or 凯特的手.


    Embed the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building 挑战 进入你的课程(s)

    这是一个很好的机会,让学生在课程的背景下思考种族平等问题. 的 挑战 发生在每年的四月,是一套优秀的资源和提示集中在加深理解, 以及对抗的意愿, racism for twenty-one consecutive days. 该挑战超越了个人或人际种族主义,帮助揭开结构性和制度性种族主义的神秘面纱.

     电子邮件 凯伦史——托马斯·W. Haas Professor at the UNH 可持续发展研究所, for more information. 

    Embed UNH's idea-stage competition as a project 进入你的课程(s)

    每年秋天,我们都会举办一个创意阶段的比赛,即NH社会创业创新挑战赛(SVIC),为那些对当今最大的社会问题有创新解决方案的学生提供支持和启发, environmental and economic challenges. 的 SVIC is focused on unlocking and jump-starting innovative thinking – no detailed financials, implementation plans, nor prototypes are required. 参赛者提交一份2页的论文和一段3分钟的视频,确定一个问题并描述解决方案——奖金和奖品将奖励给提出获奖想法的人. 
    Many faculty report positive experiences incorporating the SVIC into their courses. 

    将SVIC作为一个学期项目纳入我的可持续工程课程,对学生来说是有价值和有趣的,对我来说也是一个简单的过程. 我发现学生们更有动力,更愿意挑战自己,因为他们能够选择自己的激情,并得到永利app新版本官网地址他们想法的快速和有意义的反馈. Some of the students have even continued working on ideas after class ended, participating in other UNH programs and beyond.

    ——凯尔·P. Kwiatkowski, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    联系 凯特.Hand@xmlfd.net 查询问题,以及永利app新版本官网地址将SVIC作为项目或额外学分嵌入课程的进一步信息.

    自定义课堂演示 & 访问

    Professional and student staff are here to support all students, in any major and available to make guest presentations in your classes. 课程可以根据您的课程内容量身定制,帮助学生发现获得课堂学习经验的机会,并建立解决问题的能力, courage and confidence to solve today’s pressing sustainability challenges.

    如果你有特定的可持续发展主题,你想在一个定制的课堂演讲中涵盖, please reach out and discuss your needs. 我们的工作人员 在经济、社会和环境等可持续发展领域有广泛的专业知识.  请填写 这种形式 to share more about your needs. We aim to respond within five (5) business days. 谢谢你!! 

    • Introduction to 可持续性 
    • Business for People, Planet, Profit 
    • 以人为中心的设计 
    • 回收 
    • 社会创新 
    • “零浪费” 
    • 可持续粮食系统 
    • 自定义演示主题 

     请求 一个演示 

    • Gino UNH student accepting award for the svic 2017

      Social Venture Innovation 挑战:

    • 21-day racial equity habit building challenge

      UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building 挑战 发生在每年的四月,是一套优秀的资源和提示集中在加深理解, 以及对抗的意愿, racism for twenty-one consecutive days.