
健康 & 健康提供服务, 教育, and support to help you make informed and value-driven choices around nicotine.





支持 & 戒烟资源

Working with students who could 使用 more information?





The products listed below contain nicotine, an addictive stimulant derived from the tobacco plant. 尼古丁的特性, 它被摄取的方法, as well as behaviors and thinking associated with 使用 can lead to physical and/or psychological dependence.


Combustible 烟草: Cigarettes, Cigars, Hookah, Kreteks, Cigarillos

The basic components of most 可燃烟草 products are tobacco, 化学添加剂, 一个过滤器, 还有包装纸. Cigarettes are responsible for the vast majority of all tobacco-related disease and death in the United States. 


Electronic 尼古丁 Delivery Systems (ENDS): E-cigarettes, 尤尔的说法s, Other Vapes

ENDS are considered tobacco products beca使用 most contain nicotine, which is derived from tobacco. ENDS produce an aerosol by heating a liquid that usually contains nicotine, 调味料, 和其他化学物质来制造气溶胶. 使用者将气溶胶吸入肺部. Bystanders can also breathe in this aerosol when the 使用r exhales it into the air. ENDS devices can be 使用d to inhale THC via cartridges and have been identified in 造成严重的肺损伤和死亡.



烟less tobacco is a tobacco product that is 使用d by means other than smoking. Their 使用 involves chewing, sniffing, or placing the product between gum and the cheek or lip. 烟less tobacco products are produced in various forms, 比如嚼烟, 鼻烟, 鼻烟, 以及可溶解烟草制品.  Chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products are often promoted as safer than cigarettes. That's beca使用 they aren't linked to lung cancer. 但这些产品并非无害, especially during the critical period of brain development between ages twelve and twenty-five. 

人们使用尼古丁有很多不同的原因.  这里有一些:

  • 尼古丁有刺激性
  • 尼古丁被认为是无害的
  • 尼古丁会降低食欲
  • 尼古丁是一种放松或休息的方式
  • 尼古丁 is a way to talk to new people and connect with others
  • 尼古丁 使用 has become connected to a routine (e.g., 吃完早餐后, 下课时, 在研究, 在聚会上和朋友出去玩的时候)
  • 尼古丁 is 使用d to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • 尼古丁 is perceived as a socially acceptable and/or as a condition to belong to one’s peer group

尼古丁 使用 is influenced by many factors including:

  • 家族史
  • 文化
  • 发病年龄(1.e., starting in teenage years leads to higher rates of addiction later in life)
  • 社会规范
  • 情绪/心情状态
  • 社交媒体
  • targeted marketing strategies to vulnerable populations

There are many health risks associated with the substance nicotine, as well as specific risks associated with the methods 使用d to ingest it (see below).   Some problems develop immediately, and others develop over time.



  • 尼古丁会损害发育中的大脑, 特别是控制注意力的部分, 学习, 情绪, 冲动控制.
  • Use of vape products increases risk of future dependence, 不仅是尼古丁,还有其他物质.
  • 气溶胶 在电子烟中,不是无害的水蒸气吗.  接触气溶胶对使用者有害, 他们周围的人, and is comprised of harmful substances that damage the lungs.
  • 其他风险 include long-term lung damage and injury from defective products.
  • 尤尔的说法 carries its own risks due to exposure to especially high levels of nicotine.
  • 加热烟草制品(HTP) contain harmful and potentially harmful ingredients.


  • ca使用 illness to humans and animals exposed to second and third hand smoke and vape-aerosol 
  • 二手烟
  • 三手烟 
  • 污染空气、水和土地
  • poison farm laborers that harvest the plant (many of whom are youth and children)
  • 导致森林砍伐
  • impact finances due to both product costs and medical expenses


UNH已经加入了超过2个,400 colleges and universities across the nation in adopting a 100% 烟草, 烟, 和尼古丁(TSN)免费政策从1月1日起生效, 2022.   


For TSN 教育, information, and resources to support cessation, read on! 


  • 所有公立学校都禁止吸烟, 儿童保育设施, restaurants and bars (allowed in cigar shops and allows for an economic hardship waiver).
  • Smoking restrictions are required in government workplaces, 私人的工作场所, 赌场/游戏场所, retail stores and recreational/cultural facilities.
  • E-cigarettes (juuls, vapes) are included in the state’s definition of smoking.
  • 更多信息请查看 BreatheNH


  • The minimum age of sale for tobacco products is 21.
  • The law penalizes retailers for selling tobacco products to youth, 而不是那些试图购买的人, 尽管许多州和城市保留购买, 使用, 和占有(PUP)法律.
  • The law does not require that states pass laws to raise their sales age to 21, but it does require states to demonstrate that their retailers are complying with the law. 如果不是, the state eventually risks losing some portion of their federal substance ab使用 grant funding.



We offer individual sessions with Educator/Counselor, Nancy Bushinsky, MSW, LICSW.. 

Meet one-on-one with an ANOD Educator/Counselor to:

  • 学习 more about how nicotine 使用 affects your well-being
  • Have a non-judgmental conversation about your 使用
  • 学习 strategies to support your wellness goals regarding nicotine 使用 and/or nicotine cessation
  • 学习 how to talk to or support friends you may be concerned about
  • 了解社区资源
  • 在UNH了解更多永利app新版本官网地址药物使用的信息


  • 所有访问都是保密的 
  • This service is available to all UNH students and is offered at no cost for full-time students who have paid their tuition/fees.
  • 预约 在线 或者拨打(603)862-3823.


Our clinicians can evaluate your physical health, help you understand how nicotine is impacting your body, and discuss medical options to decrease withdrawal symptoms commonly experienced during the quit process. 预约 在线 或拨打(603)862-2856.