Helping a Student in Distress

Our goal is to empower members of the UNH community to act when they are:

  • 关心学生或同伴的困境
  • 帮助有困难的学生
  • 寻求在不同情况下提供帮助的具体方法  

Where Do I Start?

If you are concerned about a student, don't let uncertainty stop you from taking action. UNH is committed to supporting students in crisis, in distress, and/or in need of support. This guide has been developed to help you Recognize, Respond, Refer and Reach Out 永利app新版本官网地址学生的不良行为. 

For additional information, talk to your supervisor or department chair and 联系教务处,电话:(603)862-2053或

Support Resources on Campus:

UNH Police
(603) 862-1212 | Emergency: 911

  • Immediate emergency services for threatening or dangerous behavior
  • 主动射击和校园安全培训 
  • 校园范围内的报警系统,用于危机通知和反应

心理及谘询服务 (PACS)
(603) 862-2090

  • After-hours emergencies: (603) 862-2090, and press "0" to speak with a counselor
  • Brief individual, group, and couple psychotherapies, crisis intervention
  • Consultation and outreach 


Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
(603) 862-2607

  • Registering and accommodating students with all types of disabilities
  • Faculty and staff consultation on issues related to students with disabilities

Health & Wellness
(603) 862-9355

  • Medical care and wellness education for UNH students, faculty, and staff
  • Individual wellness and education/counseling appointments with educators/counselors 
  • Allergy services, immunizations, pharmacy, men, women, and transgender health care

Student Life
(603) 862-2053

  • 支持没有粮食保障的学生
  • 学生请假辅导 

(603) 862-3494

  • 24/7 hotline, crisis intervention, and safety planning for domestic and sexual violence for people of all genders
  • 为幸存者,朋友和家人提供的免费宣传小组
  • Community training on issues of consent, sexual assault and harassment 

What is a Crisis?

  • Has the student tried recently to harm themselves or someone else?
  • Is the student in the process of harming themselves or someone else?
  • 学生是否威胁要伤害自己或他人?



  • Stay safe
  • Trust your instincts
  • De-escalate and support
  • 对破坏性行为设定限制
  • 仔细倾听
  • Share what you know
  • 协商协调,及时响应
  • 如果合适的话,稍后跟进看看学生的表现如何

How Do I Help?


  • 纸张/邮件中令人不安的内容
  • Decline in academic performance
  • Excessive absenteeism
  • Irrational or bizarre behavior 
  • Sudden change in demeanor (from extroverted to withdrawn, organized to forgetful, etc.)
  • Significant changes in appearance, behavior, or personal hygiene


  • Express concern and care
  • Give an example of a time that the student's behavior has worried you
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • 如果学生同意寻求帮助,要给予支持和鼓励


  • PACS (603) 862-2090

Reach Out

  • Crisis: 911 or UPD (603) 862-1212
  • Consultation: PACS (603) 862-2090


  • Decline in academic performance 
  • Written or verbal statements preoccupied with theme of death or that convey intent to harm self or others
  • 新割伤、划伤或其他伤口
  • 远离活动和朋友
  • Statements of hopelessness such as, "I hate this life," or "Everyone is better off without me."


  • Express concern and care 
  • Always take suicidal statements, thoughts, or behaviors very seriously
  • If you suspect a student may be suicidal, express concern and refer 
  • Call 911 if there is a threat to student's safety or the safety of others 


  • PACS (603) 862-2090

Reach Out

  • Crisis: 911 or UPD (603) 862-1212
  • Consultation: PACS (603) 862-2090


  • Inappropriate outbursts or persistent interruptions, continued arguing, use of threats
  • Throwing items, refusing to leave, preventing others from leaving, 有武器的显示或陈述有武器的

*Disorderly conduct and threatening behaviors require immediate action.  


  • Express concern and care
  • 解释学生的行为对小组或班级的影响
  • Outline your expectations and help student explore options and alternatives 
  • Call 911 if there is a threat to student's safety or the safety of others


Reach Out

  • Crisis: 911 or UPD (603) 862-1212
  • Consultation: 学生主任:(603)862-2053
  • Associate Dean of College


  • 害怕的、焦虑的、紧张的或生气的 
  • 远离活动和朋友
  • Visible injuries or bruises
  • 有明显图案的割伤、烙印或疤痕.g., Greek alphabet letter)
  • Unusual absence of or damage to personal items such as laptop, cellphone, etc. 


  • Express concern and care
  • Remain calm. 表现出愤怒可能会导致学生沉默
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • 避免批评或贬低情况 
  • Say things like, "I'm sorry that happened, but I'm glad you're safe now.以及“谢谢你信任我,愿意告诉我。."


Reach Out

  • Crisis: 911 or UPD (603) 862-1212
  • Consultation: 学生主任:(603)862-2053


  • 网络上的煽风点火、网络挑衅、谩骂或骚扰
  • 在被告知停止后继续进行的通信
  • 威胁公开私人信息/照片 
  • 言语虐待,不受欢迎的性挑逗
  • Demand for sexual favors by peer or supervisor accompanied by implied or overt threat concerning an individual's academic status or employment
  • Display of sexually suggestive pictures or cartoons in workspace, residence halls, or online 


  • Express concern and care
  • 确定安全规划的资源 
  • Encourage student to keep a log of bullying/harassing behavior; take and save screenshots of online harassment (Twitter, Facebook, etc.); save copies of all communications including texts, voicemails, and pictures


Reach Out


  • Act(s) directed against a person or property on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, mental or physical disability, political belief or affiliation, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or genetic information
  • Defaced posters, signs, or pictures; graffiti or vandalism; pictures, cartoons, 或者是与仇恨有关的目标符号
  • 威胁电话、电子邮件或社交媒体帖子
  • 污损或毁坏个人财产
  • 可能没有明确的肇事者 


  • Express concern and care
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • Avoid criticizing, blaming, sounding judgmental, or minimizing the situation
  • Encourage student to save any photos, communications, or other evidence
  • Do not remove any evidence (e.g.擦除白板上的字迹等.)


Reach Out


  • Frequent or extended absences
  • Noticeable weight loss or gain
  • Hair loss; pale or gray skin tone
  • Unusual or secretive eating habits; obsession with the fat/caloric content of food 


  • Express concern and care
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • Recommend medical intervention 


Reach Out


  • Frequent or extended absences
  • Decline in academic performance
  • Noticeable weight loss or gain
  • Student is distracted, struggling to concentrate or keep up with assignments 


  • Express concern and care
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • 建议学生探索资源


Reach Out


  • 与伴侣有关的恐惧或焦虑
  • 为伴侣/他人的行为道歉/找借口
  • Mentions partner/other's possessiveness, jealousy, or violent behavior, but may laugh it off
  • Visible injuries or bruises
  • 不合逻辑/无法解释的事故或伤害
  • Crying or leaving when sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking, or child abuse is the topic 


  • Express concern and care
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • Remain calm. 表现出愤怒可能会让学生闭嘴
  • Avoid criticizing, blaming, sounding judgmental, or minimizing the situation
  • 确定安全规划的资源
  • 建议(或,如有必要,坚持)医疗干预 
  • Say things like, "You've been through something very frightening. I'm so sorry." 


Reach Out


  • 在课堂上或会议上喝醉了
  • 过度困倦或精力过剩
  • Decline in academic performance 
  • References to alcohol or drug use in conversations, papers, projects, etc. 
  • Deterioration in physical appearance (bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, trembling hands, etc.)


  • Express concern and care
  • Give an example of a time that the student's behavior has worried you
  • Be supportive and encouraging if the student agrees to get help
  • 主动帮助学生预约
    酒精筛查和干预 or other drugs screening


Reach Out


这些问题可能包括:家庭成员生病或死亡, job loss, housing issues, natural disaster, breakup, legal difficulties, etc.

  • Frequent or extended absences
  • Decline in academic performance
  • 提到关系、财务或其他挑战
  • 难以集中注意力和做决定
  • Exhaustion/fatigue
  • 过度焦虑,睡眠/饮食问题 


  • Express concern and care
  • Avoid criticizing, blaming, sounding judgmental, or minimizing the situation
  • 倾听并相信学生的回答
  • Be supportive and encouraging if the student agrees to get help


Reach Out


  • 融入“欢迎仪式”, or efforts to create connections between students at the start of class
  • Encouraging social connections between students in your class (e.g.,让学生合作回答问题)
  • Highlighting the student support resources included in your syllabi and checking in during stressful times (e.g., mid-semester, before finals)
  • Adding a stretch break at the beginning and middle of class to help students regulate their emotions and increase their ability to be focused on the course material
  • Designing flexible syllabi (e.g.(允许学生降低考试成绩)
  • Encouraging students to check in with themselves or others by using the Self-Assessment Tools at  and