
It's hard to focus when you don't know w在这里 your next meal will come from. 我们整理了一份校园和社区资源清单,帮助你寻找食物. Please be mindful that this is not an exhaustive list. 

Swipe it Forward (Meal Swipe Program) 


“向前刷”是一项针对UNH本科生和研究生的计划,他们受到食品不安全的挑战,可以在食堂秘密请求并接受用餐刷卡,或者作为外卖餐. 您必须当前注册才会被考虑,并且每学年分配一次刷卡.


To request Swipe it Forward please complete the  SWIPE IT FORWARD REQUEST FORM


用你的信用卡或借记卡来做一份财务礼物 UNH's Financial Gift Online Form 


Consider donating your swipes to the Swipe it Forward program. T在这里 are convenient options to donate for students, faculty 和 staff. 


学生每年最多可以为秋季和春季学期的膳食计划捐款15次. Students may not donate swipes from a J-Term or Summer Semester Meal Plan. 的 deadline to donate swipes is April 15th. 如果你想从现有的计划中捐赠食物,请进入 校园服务办公室 这样做.


Room 211 of the Memorial Union Building (MUB)
83 Main Street, 达勒姆,新罕布什尔州03824
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm (Hours may change for holidays, curtailment, 等.)
(603) 862-1821

教师 和 工作人员 Swipe Donations

教职员工通过在线购买新的膳食计划时,每年最多可以捐赠15次 UNH Campus 社区 Meal Plans Form. 如果你想从现有的计划中捐赠食物,请进入 校园服务办公室 这样做.


Room 211 of the Memorial Union Building (MUB)
83 Main Street, 达勒姆,新罕布什尔州03824
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm (Hours may change for holidays, curtailment, 等.)
(603) 862-1821




UNH猫的橱柜, 位于MUB,  通过提供补充食品,帮助缓解有需要的联合国社区的粮食不安全状况, 直接访问免费, 营养的食物.

要获得服务资格,您必须是永利app新版本官网地址当前的本科生或研究生或雇员. Please bring your current UNH ID card with you. If possible, please bring your own re-usable bags for carrying items.



请在 基本.needs@xmlfd.net 如果这些时间不适合你,我们可以试着找一个最合适的时间! 

地点: MUB 140
电子邮件: 猫.cupboard@xmlfd.net

Donate to the 猫的橱柜 through our 亚马逊愿望列表! 


食品储藏室在437房间,只在周二和周四下午12:30 - 5pm预约开放.
NH食品银行和汉纳福德新鲜救援计划的工作人员志愿者每周都会收集食物. If you have any questions please email UNHM.Foodpantry@xmlfd.net 或者访问他们的 网站

You can donate using the Manchester Food Pantry 亚马逊愿望列表 

If community members are not able to come to either campus, 我们鼓励您访问新罕布什尔州可用食物资源的互动地图,以获得整个新罕布什尔州可用食物资源的互动地图, courtesy of UNH Cooperative Extension.

Map of 食物资源 in New Hampshire



新界食物银行 向新罕布什尔州400多个合作机构分发食品,包括食品储藏室, 无家可归者收容所, 汤厨房, 儿童节目, 老年中心等. 搜索我们的合作机构列表,找到您附近的食品援助计划. 参观 食物地图 从新罕布什尔州食品银行获得更多选择,包括他们的移动食品储藏室. 

Or find the current list of Durham food pantries through Foodpantries.org的 食品储藏室定位器 

的y not only provide listings of pantries, but also provide information on: food closets, 食物银行, 汤厨房, 集合用餐地点, 食品箱, 抵用券, 等.

他们的食品援助项目综合清单提供了完整的描述, 图片, 小时, 志愿者信息, 等.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)向符合条件的低收入个人和家庭提供营养福利,使他们能够购买健康食品并实现自给自足. SNAP信息表

补充营养援助计划,也被称为SNAP,通过可在杂货店和一些农贸市场使用的电子卡提供食品援助. You may also see this program referred to as: EBT or Food Stamps.

应用 for SNAP benefits today!

To learn more 和 apply through NH 的发病率, visit:  的发病率.NH.GOV /快速 or apply for SNAP benefits online via NH容易

For questions about your current SNAP case, call the NH Department of 健康 和 Human Services at 1-844-275-3447. SNAP是美国农业部的一个联邦项目,由新罕布什尔州卫生与公众服务部管理

您可以通过拨打1-877-347-SNAP(1-877-347-7627)或发送电子邮件至 新罕布什尔州食品银行 at snap@nhfoodbank.org


Are students eligible for SNAP?

Generally, students attending an institution of higher education (i.e., 大学, 大学, 贸易/技术学校)超过一半的时间,只有在符合豁免条件的情况下才有资格获得SNAP. 高等教育机构决定什么是“半日制”招生. Students who meet an exemption must also meet all other SNAP eligibility requirements.

Who counts as a student for SNAP purposes? 

如果你在高等教育机构注册了至少一半的时间,你就被认为是学生. 半全日制学时数由高等学校规定.

If you are enrolled less than half-time, the student restrictions on SNAP eligibility do not apply to you.

What are the student exemptions for SNAP?

If you are a student 和 you meet SNAP eligibility requirements,如果你符合以下其中一项豁免,你可能有资格获得快速援助:

  • Are under age 18 or are age 50 or older.
  • Have a physical or mental disability.
  • Work at least 20 小时 a week in paid employment.
  • Participate in a state or federally financed work study program.
  • Participate in an on-the-job training program.
  • Care for a child under the age of 6. 照顾一个6到11岁的孩子,缺乏必要的照顾,使你能够上学,每周工作20小时或参加打工学习.
  • 单亲父母是否全日制上大学并照顾12岁以下的孩子. Receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance.
  • 被分配到, 放置在, 或通过以下途径在学院或其他高等教育机构中获得职位:
    • A 提前Employment 和 Training (提前E&T)项目;
    • 某些其他E&T programs for low-income households, 由州或地方政府运营,并具有与提前E相当的组成部分&T;
    • 2014年《永利app新版本官网地址》(WIOA)第一章下的一项计划(PL 113-128);
    • 1974年贸易法第236条规定的贸易调整援助计划.

If you are not sure whether you meet one of the exemptions, contact your 当地SNAP办事处 to find out how these exemptions may apply to your household circumstances.

我参加了校园伙食计划. 我还能得到SNAP吗?

如果你的大部分餐食都是强制性的或可选的, 你没有资格申请SNAP. Meal plan structure may vary from institution to institution, 因此,州政府机构应该充分了解你的情况,以确定你的膳食的哪一部分是由该计划覆盖的. You can find additional guidance on the treatment of meal plans 在这里.

How does the end of the temporary student exemptions affect me?

If you are a student who applied or recertified for SNAP before July 1, 2023, you may have been certified under a temporary student exemption. You do not need to take any action at this time. If you are still a student when you next recertify for SNAP, 为了继续获得福利,你必须满足常规学生豁免的要求.

If you are a student applying or recertifying for SNAP on or after July 1, 2023, the temporary exemptions do not apply to you. You must meet a regular student exemption to be eligible for SNAP.

永利app新版本官网地址SNAP和大学生食品援助的更多信息可以在这里找到: http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/students


的 食物再利用 project is a collaboration, including COLSA 生命科学学院 & 农业), 曾帮工 (Agriculture, Nutrition, 和 Food Systems), 接待服务 和 收集.

的 project takes advantage of underutilized kitchen space in Barton Hall. COLSA义工, 餐饮服务和收集每周开会,在收集主厨的帮助下准备餐食, 艾米丽•盖迪斯. Most of the food is rescued from local grocery stores, 食堂, 主要研究餐饮, 校园花园. 重新利用的食物被放入可堆肥的容器中,运送到收集在朴茨茅斯的地点,然后分发到他们的移动市场,以及通过UNH猫的橱柜. 

对志愿服务感兴趣? Complete an application through 收集 和 sign up under UNH Project. 

If you have questions about volunteering with 收集, please contact the 收集 Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteer@gathernh.org 和 visit the volunteer registration site by clicking on the button below.


Waysmeet Cornucopia Food Pantry


Waysmeet中心通过基于同情心的直接服务创造了积极的变化, 股本, 和 social justice in the NH Seacoast 和 surrounding communities.

的 Cornucopia Food Pantry is located at 15 Mill Road in Durham, NH, inside 的 Waysmeet Center on the UNH campus. 
的y are open Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 pm, Wednesdays 1:00-4:00 pm & Fridays 12:00-2:00 pm by appointment. Please call (603) 862-1165 or email foodpantry@waysme等enter.org 提前安排预约,在这几个小时内取一盒食物.
